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Tuesday, May 14 • 10:00am - 11:00am
The Way We Sound - Workshop/Discussion

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The acoustics of who we are resonates in all we do. Whether a room packed with others, a message sent online, or a solitary thought bouncing in our own head, we are always shaping how we sound to ourselves and others. In the same way that music sticks with and leaves an impression on us, our own acoustics impress a lingering sound around us. As our sound travels, it is influenced and shaped by mindset, assumptions, how we send it, and how it is received.

How can we ensure messages of importance are getting through? How can we say what needs to be said, while allowing space for others to feel invited to participate? How can we sound authentic and consistent when our moods just aren't? And can we influence only our own sound? Join for an exploration of factors that impact our sound and a couple of techniques to keep on reserve - and through discussion & discovery with one another, build shared knowledge.

**Bring a pen and something you can write on (book/clipboard/etc.) - I'll be passing out worksheets for partner and individual exercises.

BSW Organizing Volunteers
avatar for Melissa Wall

Melissa Wall

Founder, Acoustic Root Leadership
Acoustic Root Leadership helps entrepreneurs reach the next level of leadership and team. With a philosophy rooted in authenticity, action, & empathy, my strength lies in the ability to zoom in and out through different lenses to look at situations as a whole. I'm trained and experienced... Read More →

Tuesday May 14, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am MDT
Galvanize Boulder